plugins CFBundleIdentifier com.robertson.Quicksilver.OnePassword CFBundleName 1Password Plugin CFBundleVersion 376 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Fix the 'Reveal in 1Password' action</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.6.3 QSModifiedDate 2013-01-20 04:01:16 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson categories Applications description Adds support for 1Password Data to Reveal in 1Password and to Go & Fill web forms extendedDescription <h2>1Password 3 Plugin</h2> <p>The 1Password plugin for Quicksilver gives you the ability to manipulate 1Password data from Quicksilver, and to Go &amp; Fill web logins.</p> <h3>Catalog</h3> <p>This plugin enables Quicksilver to index your 1Password data. This includes:</p> <ul> <li>Web forms</li> <li>Accounts</li> <li>Software</li> <li>Identities</li> <li>Wallet items</li> <li>Notes</li> </ul> <p>You can access all these items by right arrowing (→) into the in Quicksilver's first pane. You may also add these items to your catalog by going to the <a href="qs://preferences#QSCatalogPrefPane">Catalog preferences</a> and enabling the '1Password' entry.</p> <h3>Actions</h3> <p><strong>Go &amp; Fill</strong></p> <p>The Go &amp; Fill action is available for 1Password web forms. When run on a web form, the plugin takes you to your browser and logs you in using the login.</p> <p><strong>Go &amp; Fill With...</strong></p> <p>This action is an extension of the 'Go &amp; Fill' action, and allows you to specify a browser to use when filling the login/web form.</p> <p><strong>Reveal in 1Password</strong></p> <p>The Reveal in 1Password action is available for all data types (see above). It launches 1Password and selects the entry in the application, allowing you to manipulate of view its details.</p> <hr> <p>This plugin has taken a lot of development time. If you enjoy using it, please consider <a href="">donating</a>.</p> icon com.agilebits.onepassword-osx relatedBundles com.agilebits.onepassword-osx ws.agile.1Password CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSGestureTriggers CFBundleName Abracadabra Triggers CFBundleVersion 12C QSPluginChanges Fix a crash when drawing a new gesture CFBundleShortVersionString 1.6.1 QSModifiedDate 2013-12-04 03:12:32 +0000 QSPlugIn New item author Alcor, Jason Cornwell, QSApp Team categories Quicksilver description Trigger commands with mouse/trackpad gestures extendedDescription <h1>Abracadabra Triggers</h1> <p>This plug-in allows you to trigger actions in Quicksilver by drawing a gesture on screen using a mouse or trackpad.</p> <p>Gestures are initiated by holding either a modifier key (Shift, Control, etc.) or a mouse button.</p> <p>Colors and sounds are customizable in the preferences under Abracadabra.</p> <h2>Creating a Trigger</h2> <ol> <li>In the Triggers… preferences, add a new trigger using the <code>+</code> button and choose "Gesture".</li> <li>Click somewhere in the info panel's box and hold the button down.</li> <li>Draw the desired gesture, then release the button.</li> <li>Optionally, define the applications where the trigger should be active under the Scope tab.</li> </ol> <h3>Tips</h3> <ul> <li>It helps to practice the gesture a few times before setting it.</li> <li>You can replace an existing gesture at any time by simply drawing a new one.</li> <li>When defining a gesture, only the initial click needs to be inside the box. You can go outside of it when drawing, so draw the gesture at the size that feels natural for real-world use.</li> </ul> icon Abracadabra CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSAutomatorPlugIn CFBundleName Automator Module CFBundleVersion 5C CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-03-27 09:03:16 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories System Applications description Support For Workflows and Automator Actions icon relatedBundles QSRequirements feature 1 CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.BezelClassicInterfacePlugIn CFBundleName Bezel Classic Interface CFBundleVersion 3 QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-02 10:02:06 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Interfaces description The original Bezel interface (before ß71) CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSiCalModule CFBundleName Calendar Plugin CFBundleVersion 11F QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-04 08:02:19 +0000 QSPlugIn author QSApp categories Calendar description Adds support for creating Events and To-Dos with Calendars on your Mac extendedDescription <h2>Calendar Plugin</h2> <p>This plugin adds actions for creating events and To-Dos from Quicksilver</p> <h3>Actions</h3> <p><strong>Create Calendar Event</strong></p> <p>This action takes text from Quicksilver's 1st pane, and adds it as an event to your selected Calendar in Quicksilver's 3rd pane.<br> Examples of text could be <code>Dinner with Tom next Tuesday</code> or <code>Visit mum at 3pm</code>.</p> <p>You can improve how an event displays in your Calendar by separating the name of the event and the time it takes place with two dashes <code>--</code><br> Using <code>Next Tuesday -- Dinner with Tom</code> will create an event called just <code>Dinner with Tom</code> in your calendar.</p> <p><strong>Create Calendar To-Do</strong></p> <p>This action takes text from Quicksilver's 1st pane, and adds it as an To-Do to your selected Calendar in Quicksilver's 3rd pane. <br> If you do not see all your calendars appear in Quicksilver's 3rd pane, this is because not all calendars support To-Dos.<br> Examples of text could be <code>Do the shopping</code> or <code>Pick up the kids from school</code>.</p> <p>You can set the priority of an event by prefixing your event with any number of exclamation marks <code>!</code><br> <em>One</em> exclamantion mark gives the To-Do a <em>low</em> priority, <em>two</em> give the To-Do a <em>medium</em> priority and <em>three</em> gives it a <em>high</em> priority.</p> <p><code>!! This is a medium priority todo</code><br> <code>This todo has no priority set</code></p> icon qsversion 31DE CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSCommandLineTool CFBundleName Command Line Tool CFBundleVersion 48 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Minor bug fixes</li><li>Rename the plugin (drop the 'qs' part)</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-02-11 02:02:30 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Development Quicksilver description Allows data to be piped into Quicksilver from the command line extendedDescription <p>The <code>qs</code> command allows you to select files or text in Quicksilver (or send them to the Shelf) from the command line.</p> <p>Select a file:</p> <pre><code>qs MyFile.jpg qs ~/Documents </code></pre> <p>Select multiple files:</p> <pre><code>qs file1.txt file2.txt qs *.pdf </code></pre> <p>Select text:</p> <pre><code>echo example | qs echo "example with multiple words" | qs whoami | qs pbpaste | qs </code></pre> <p>Note that when you pipe text to <code>qs</code>, the same smarts apply that you would get when typing text by hand. URLs, file paths, etc. are automatically recognized and the appropriate action will be displayed in Quicksilver's interface.</p> <p>To send an item to the Shelf instead of selecting it, use the <code>-s</code> option.</p> <pre><code>qs -s ~/Documents/MyMainProject </code></pre> icon ExecutableBinaryIcon requiresFeature 0 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSAddressBookPlugIn CFBundleName Contacts Plugin CFBundleVersion 176 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Potentially fix a dlib linking crash</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.1.2 QSModifiedDate 2013-08-09 11:08:37 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Contacts Applications description Provides access to contact information extendedDescription <h2>Overview</h2> <p>The Apple Contacts plugin allows interaction with the contacts stored on your Mac or other sources (Exchange, CardDav). Contacts are added to your catalog, but can also be found by right arrowing → into the Contacts app.</p> <h2>Catalog</h2> <p>The plugin adds a single catalog source called 'Contacts', available under the 'Modules' tab in the Catalog preferences that adds all your contacts to Quicksilver's catalog. If you do not wish to populate your catalog with your contacts, you can disable this entry and obtain a list of all your contacts by right arrowing → into the Contacts app instead.</p> <h3>Contacts in Quicksilver</h3> <p>Quicksilver obtains all the available information about a contact, including their email addresses, postal addresses, phone numbers and websites. This information can be viewed by right arrowing → into a selected contact.</p> <p>The contact's information is available for use with any valid action in Quicksilver. For example you can find a contact's postal address with Google Maps, email a file to one email address or open the contact's website.</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <dl> <dt>Show Contact</dt> <dd>Show the selected contact in Contacts</dd> <dt>Edit Contact</dt> <dd>Edit the selected contact in Contacts</dd> <dt>Add Note…</dt> <dd>Add a text note to a selected contact. This does not open Contacts.</dd> </dl> icon relatedBundles requiresFeature 0 QSRequirements version 12CC CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.Cyberduck CFBundleName Cyberduck Plugin CFBundleVersion 39 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>updated for 64-bit</li><li>small fixes</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-07-11 09:07:31 +0000 QSPlugIn author Rob McBroom categories Internet description Cyberduck Quicksilver Plugin extendedDescription <h2>Cyberduck</h2> <p>This plug-in adds your Cyberduck bookmarks to the catalog.</p> <p>You can also access your bookmarks by selecting Cyberduck in the first pane and using → or / to go into it.</p> icon ch.sudo.cyberduck qsversion 29CC relatedBundles ch.sudo.cyberduck QSRequirements bundles id ch.sudo.cyberduck name Cyberduck version 3.8 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.YTDeMinPlugIn CFBundleName DeMinimizer Plugin CFBundleVersion A1 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit ready</li><li>Performance and code improvements</li><li>Use notifications to display statuses to the user</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-11-16 12:11:52 +0000 QSPlugIn author ytrewq1 categories System description Restore and minimize windows extendedDescription <h3>DeMinimizer Plugin</h3> <p>Adds actions and triggers to minimize and restore windows</p> <h4>Setup</h4> <ul> <li>Ensure 'Enable access for assistive devices' is enabled in the Universal Access preference pane</li> <li>Customize the provided triggers appropriately</li> </ul> <h4>Usage</h4> <p>Try the bundled triggers -- three of them are for restoring minimized windows and one of them should minimize all windows.<br> </p> <p>There is also a 'Minimized Windows' proxy object which can be used to observe a list of minimized windows. The proxy object and individual minimized windows which it resolves to may also be used with the 'Restore Minimized Window' action.</p> <h4>Acknowledgements</h4> <ul> <li>icon work - musti</li> <li>testing and ideas - Howard Melman</li> </ul> icon DeMinimizer.png CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSDeveloperPlugIn CFBundleName Developer Plugin CFBundleVersion DA QSPluginChanges 64-bit compatible, adds applications buried within Xcode 4.3+ to the catalog CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.1 QSModifiedDate 2013-02-15 03:02:36 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Development description Developer Documentation Access extendedDescription <h1>Developer Plugin</h1> <p>This Plugin adds developer applications like <code>Icon</code> to the catalog. This works for Xcode versions up to 4.2, when Xcode was still installed in <code>/Developer</code> as well as newr Xcode versions (&gt;= 4.3), when Xcode is installed in <code>/Applications/</code>.</p> icon relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSDictionaryPlugIn CFBundleName Dictionary Plugin CFBundleVersion C4 QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-04-29 11:04:46 +0000 QSPlugIn author Kevin Ballard description Look words up in the dictionary or thesaurus icon CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSEmailSupport CFBundleName E-mail Support CFBundleVersion 9A QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>Get addresses from a linked &#8220;Me&#8221; contact</li> <li>Update to the latest MailCore (better support for StartTLS)</li> </ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2013-03-15 02:03:28 +0000 QSPlugIn categories Mail & Chat description Works with your mail client to enable e-mail based actions extendedDescription <h2>E-mail Support</h2> <p>This plug-in enables you to send mail (including attachments) directly from Quicksilver. You must have a mail client (such as Apple Mail) configured, and its plugin must be loaded.</p> <h3>Sending</h3> <p>You can send one or more files using the comma-trick or you can enter the text of your message into Quicksilver. When entering text, you can specify a subject by separating it from the rest of your message with "&gt;&gt;". For example</p> <pre><code>Tomorrow night&gt;&gt;Are you busy? That new movie is coming out. </code></pre> <p>will be sent as</p> <pre><code>Subject: Tomorrow night Are you busy? That new movie is coming out. </code></pre> <p>You can't enter text when sending files, but you can set a message to accompany attachments by default in the preferences.</p> <p>As a general rule, you can do either "Contact(s) ⇥ E-mail Item… ⇥ Text/Files" or "Text/Files ⇥ E-mail To… ⇥ Contact(s)".</p> <h3>Compose vs. Send vs. Direct</h3> <p>The actions have either "Compose", "Send", or "Direct" in their name somewhere.</p> <dl> <dt>Compose</dt> <dd>Send the text or file(s) using your e-mail client. A new message will open for further editing.</dd> <dt>Send</dt> <dd>Send the text or file(s) using your e-mail client. The message will be sent immediately.</dd> <dt>Direct</dt> <dd>Send the text or file(s) immedately without opening an e-mail client. Though the client doesn't need to run, this action still requires that your e-mail client be configured with the details for at least one SMTP server.</dd> </dl> hidden CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.EmojisPluginPlugin CFBundleName Emojis Plugin CFBundleVersion 5 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Add latest emojis and search terms - Q1 2024</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2024-03-14 04:03:45 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson categories Text description Search for emojis and copy/paste right within Quicksilver" extendedDescription <h1>Emojis Plugin</h1> <strong>Search for emojis right from within Quicksilver</strong> <h2>Searching Emojis 🔍</h2> <p>This plugin allows you to search for emojis by text. You have two options for finding emojis:</p> <ul> <ol>Search for the 'emojis' item in Quicksilver, then → to see a list of all emojis and filter</ol> <ol>Enable the 'All Emojis' catalog item in the Catalog Preferences, and then you'll be able to search for emojis directly from within Quicksilver.</ol> </ul> <h2>Using Emojis ⛏️</h2> <p>Emojis are text, so you can use them just like you would any text in Quicksilver: copy/paste, large type, search the web etc. etc.</p> <h2>Supercharging Your Emojis 🚀🚀</h2> <p>To really super-charge your emoji searching, try setting up a keyboard trigger for 'Emojis' → 'Show Contents'. Assign the trigger to a shortcut (e.g. ⌃E) and then tap it to get straight to your emojis, anytime, anywhere 💃🕺</p> <h3>Credits 👏</h3> <p>The list of emojis used in this plugin were taken from <a href="">emojilib</a> 🎉🎉</p> icon emojiIcon recommended CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSEventTriggersPlugIn CFBundleName Event Triggers CFBundleVersion 71 QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>new &#8220;Active Space Changed&#8221; event</li> <li>new &#8220;Ethernet Changed&#8221; event</li> <li>new &#8220;External Display Changed&#8221; event</li> <li>better handling for repeated events</li> <li>full documentation</li> <li>internal improvements</li> </ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-02-23 02:02:02 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc categories Quicksilver System description Run triggers automatically based on system events extendedDescription <h1>Event Triggers</h1> <p>With this plug-in, Quicksilver can run actions automatically as things happen on your system. For example:</p> <ul> <li>When the screen saver activates, pause iTunes.</li> <li>When the computer wakes from sleep, open Mail.</li> <li>When the network changes, run a shell script.</li> </ul> <p>You can assign triggers for the following events:</p> <ul> <li>Application Launched</li> <li>Application Quit</li> <li>Quicksilver Launched</li> <li>Quicksilver Launched (at Login)</li> <li>Quicksilver Will Quit</li> <li>Active Space Changed</li> <li>Computer Will Shut Down</li> <li>Computer Will Sleep</li> <li>Computer Woke Up</li> <li>External Display Changed</li> <li>Fast Login</li> <li>Fast Logout</li> <li>Ethernet Changed</li> <li>Disk Inserted</li> <li>Disk Ejected</li> <li>Disk Will Eject</li> <li>Screen Saver Started</li> <li>Screen Saver Stopped</li> </ul> <p>Other plug-ins may define additional events.</p> <h2>Trigger Settings</h2> <dl> <dt>Event</dt> <dd>Choose the event you want Quicksilver to watch for.</dd> <dt>Delay</dt> <dd>When the event happens, wait a certain number of seconds before running the trigger. It doesn't need to be a whole number. For instance, 0.1 and 2.5 are valid values.</dd> <dt>Ignore Repeats</dt> <dd> <p>For certain events, like "Application Launched", OS X might send multiple redundant notifications in rapid succession. Use this setting to prevent the trigger from running too many times.</p> <p>If you enable this setting with a delay of <em>n</em> seconds, when multiple events occur within <em>n</em> seconds of each other, the trigger will only run once (<em>n</em> seconds after the last notification is sent).</p> <p>It might take some experimentation to get this right. A tip is to initially set the trigger up to do something obvious, like show some text using the Large Type action or append some text to a file, and see how many times it runs.</p> </dd> </dl> icon General CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSExtraScriptsPlugIn CFBundleName Extra Scripts Plugin CFBundleVersion 92 CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-04-29 02:04:54 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc., Patrick Robertson categories Quicksilver description AppleScripts for commonly used system tasks extendedDescription <p>This plugin adds a catalog entry titled "Scripts (Extra Scripts Plugin)" to your catalog which includes Shell/AppleScripts that emulate some OS functions like restarting and process actions.</p> <p>The plugins includes scripts for:</p> <ul> <li>System Volume control</li> <li>Showing the Keyboard Viewer and Character Palette</li> <li>Managing the user session: Logout, Lock Screen etc.</li> <li>System Controls such as Restart, Shutdown, Sleep, Eject</li> </ul> icon ScriptIcon requiresFeature 0 CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.QSFaceTime CFBundleName FaceTime Plugin CFBundleVersion 2 QSPluginChanges New plug-in: Adds a FaceTime action to contacts CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-11-07 01:11:49 +0000 QSPlugIn author Rob McBroom categories Applications description Initiate FaceTime with Contacts extendedDescription <h2>FaceTime</h2> <p>This plug-in adds a FaceTime action.</p> <p>With a phone number, e-mail address, or contact<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup> selected, choose the FaceTime action in the second pane.</p> <p>The FaceTime application will ask you to confirm before actually contacting the person.</p> <div class="footnote"> <hr> <ol> <li id="fn:1"> <p>For contacts, the first listed e-mail address will be used. This may or may not be what you want. You should generally select a specific phone number or e-mail address.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" rev="footnote" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text">&#8617;</a></p> </li> </ol> </div> icon name FaceTime relatedBundles QSRequirements bundles Name FaceTime id version 1.0 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSFileAttributesPlugIn CFBundleName File Attribute Actions CFBundleVersion E4 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit ready</li><li>Move the 'Set comment' action to the Spotlight plugin</li><li>Add a 'Clear Custom Icon' action for removing a custom icon for a file (set with 'Set Icon...')</li><li>Added documentation</li><li>Fix the 'Set Label...' action to operate correctly</li><li>Only show one of lock or unlock and 'make visible' or 'make invisible' depending on the file's state</li><li>Code cleanup</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-07-08 03:07:50 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Files description File locking, labeling and visibility actions extendedDescription <h2>File Attribute Actions</h2> <p>The File Attribute Actions plugin adds actions to Quicksilver that enable you to alter the attributes of system files on your computer. This includes, altering the visibility of files and folders, locking files and folders, and setting labels, comments and icons of files.</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <h3>Lock/Unlock File</h3> <p>These actions lock or unlock the file(s) in Quicksilver's 1st pane. Locking a file is equivalent to ticking the 'Lock' checkbox in the 'Get Info' panel of a file, and makes the file or folder read only.<br /> This action works with the '<a href="">comma trick</a>'.</p> <h3>Make Visible (show) & Make Invisible (hide)</h3> <p>These actions alter the display of files or folders within Finder. Making an item invisible means it does not display in Finder. An example of an invisible folder is the <code>~/Library</code> folder. Works with the 'comma trick'.</p> <h3>Set Icon...</h3> <p>Allows you to alter the icon that is displayed by Finder for the file or folder. To un-set an icon, open the file in Finder and select 'Get Info' (⌘I). From here you can 'delete' the icon. Works with the 'comma trick'.</p> <h3>Clear Custom Icon</h3> <p>Clears the custom icon set for the selected file(s). Works with the 'comma trick'.</p> <h3>Set Label...</h3> <p>Sets the Finder label to the specified colour in Quicksilver's 3rd pane. To clear the colour label of a file, select 'None' in Quicksilver's 3rd pane.</p> icon GenericDocumentIcon CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSCompressionPlugIn CFBundleName File Compression Plugin CFBundleVersion 163 QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>run triggers when file compression completes</li> <li>run triggers when file decompression completes</li> <li>internal cleanup</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.7.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-06-14 09:06:20 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson, Blacktree, Inc. categories Files Utility description File Compress/Decompress Actions extendedDescription <h2>Overview</h2> <p>The File Compression Plugin allows compression and decompression of files using Apple's Archive Utility application.</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <dl> <dt>Compress</dt> <dd>Compresses the object(s) in the first pane using the default compression type (see 'Preferences' section below)</dd> <dt>Compress Using…</dt> <dd>Allows the object(s) in the first pane to be compressed using one of: <code>zip</code>, <code>tbz</code>, <code>tgz</code>, <code>cpio</code>, <code>cpgz</code></dd> <dt>Decompress</dt> <dd>Decompress files using Archive Utility</dd> </dl> <h2>Preferences</h2> <p>The plugin adds a preference pane to Quicksilver, allowing you to:</p> <ul> <li>Choose whether to compress files to a temporary location first</li> <li>Choose the default compression type to use for the 'Compress' action</li> </ul> <h2>Trigger Events</h2> <p>Event Triggers can be run based on two events in this plugin: Compress and Decompress. For both actions, the "Event Trigger Object" will refer to the archive file.</p> icon CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSFlashlightInterface CFBundleName Flashlight Interface CFBundleVersion 91 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Rebuild for M1 Apple Silicon</li><li>Fix interface for later versions of macOS</li><li>Restore 'blue' spotlight colour</li><li>Reposition interface to center of screen</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.1 QSModifiedDate 2022-04-22 10:04:07 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Interfaces description Provides a mini Spotlight style interface. icon interface qsversion 31DF CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSGmailPlugIn CFBundleName Gmail Plugin CFBundleVersion 50 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Fix several Send... action to work correctly with Gmail</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-07-24 12:07:02 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Mail & Chat Web description Allows Quicksilver to send emails via Gmail extendedDescription <h2>Gmail Plugin</h2> <p>The Gmail plugin allows you to use Quicksilver to send email via the Compose Email, Email Item..., and Email To... actions, through Gmail.</p> <p>To enable Quicksilver to send email using the Gmail plugin, go to Quicksilver's Preferences, and within the 'Handlers' tab, choose 'Gmail Module' as the Mail Handler. Note that the Gmail Module has nothing to do with Google Notifier.</p> icon relatedBundles QSRequirements plugins id com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSEmailSupport name Mail Support CFBundleIdentifier se.stdin.quicksilver.GoogleChrome CFBundleName Google Chrome Plugin CFBundleVersion 25 QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>prevent repeated copying of databases</li> <li>remove some external dependencies</li> </ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.3 QSModifiedDate 2017-06-25 10:06:49 +0000 QSPlugIn author Andreas Johansson categories Applications Web description Access to information and functionality in the Google Chrome web browser extendedDescription <h2 id="quicksilver-google-chrome-plugin">Quicksilver Google Chrome plugin</h2> <p>This plugin adds functionality for accessing different aspects of <a href="">Google Chrome</a> in Quicksilver. If you have <a href="">Google Chrome Canary</a>, all of the listed functionality has Canary equivalents.</p> <p>This plugin contains adapted code from the <a href="">Safari plugin</a>.</p> <h3 id="catalog">Catalog</h3> <p>The following additions are made to the catalog:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Open web pages</strong> - A container for the current open web pages in Chrome, access the actual web pages by right arrowing into the container. Also available when right arrowing into the Chrome application.</li> <li><strong>Bookmarks</strong> - The top level bookmarks and bookmark folders from Chrome. Also available when right arrowing into the Chrome application</li> <li><strong>History</strong> - The 300 latest history entries in Chrome, disabled by default. The number in the catalog is limited to 300 for performance reasons. The history entries are also available when right arrowing into the Chrome application, and it includes all of the history, no limits.</li> <li><strong>Search engines</strong> - All search engines registered in Chrome, disabled by default. They are searchable both by their names and their keywords, and are also available when right arrowing into the Chrome application.</li> </ul> <h3 id="actions">Actions</h3> <p>The following actions are available:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Reveal tab</strong> - Activates the tab in Chrome that contains the selected web page. This is only available for Chrome Tab types, i.e. the listing under &quot;Open web pages&quot;, or &quot;Current Web Page&quot;.</li> <li><strong>Reload tab</strong> - Reloads the tab in Chrome that contains the selected web page. This is only available for Chrome Tab types, i.e. the listing under &quot;Open web pages&quot;, or &quot;Current Web Page&quot;.</li> <li><strong>Open URL in Source Browser</strong> - Opens the URL in the browser from whence it came. This is only available for URLs from Chrome (see Types below), typically as a bookmark or a history entry. This can be used to open bookmarks from a browser in that browser and is useful if your main browser is not Chrome or Chrome Canary.</li> </ul> <h3 id="proxies">Proxies</h3> <p>The following proxies are available:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Current Web Page</strong> - The web page currently displayed in the frontmost tab of the frontmost window in Chrome.</li> <li><strong>Current Web Site</strong> - A web search on the site displayed in the frontmost tab of the frontmost window in Chrome.</li> </ul> <h3 id="types">Types</h3> <p>The following new types are defined:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Chrome Tab</strong> - A currently open tab in Chrome. Used as secondary type on URLs coming from Chrome tabs.</li> <li><strong>URLs from Chrome</strong> - An URL coming from Chrome, either as a history entry or a bookmark or a bookmark folder. A secondary type for keeping track of the source of the URL.</li> </ul> <h3 id="additional-information">Additional information</h3> <p>The icon used for the bookmarks folder is created by <a href="">Ernesto Monasterio</a>, and can be found <a href="">Here</a>. The icon is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License</a>.</p> icon ChromeIcon relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSGrowlPlugIn CFBundleName Growl Notifier CFBundleVersion 66 CFBundleShortVersionString 1.3.2 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-21 07:02:41 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. extendedDescription Provides notifications via <a href="">Growl</a>.<br /> <br /> To enable Growl for notifications, open the <a href="qs://preferences#QSSettingsPanePlaceholder">Preferences Pane</a> and select 'Handlers' from the sidebar. icon com.growl.GrowlHelperApp relatedBundles com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp requiresPath ~/Library/Application Support/Growl CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSImageManipulationPlugIn CFBundleName Image Manipulation Plugin CFBundleVersion 60 QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>run triggers on images after resizing</li> <li>run triggers on images after reformatting</li> </ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-06-14 10:06:52 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson, Blacktree categories Images description Actions to scale and change format of images extendedDescription <h2>Overview</h2> <p>Actions to scale, change the format of images. Both actions take an argument in Quicksilver's 3rd pane. Examples can be seen below.</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <dl> <dt>Scale Image…</dt> <dd>This method allows you to scale an image selected in Quicksilver's 1st pane. Various scaling and format options are available, and are listed below.</dd> <dt>Save Image in Format…</dt> <dd>Saves the image in the format specified. Valid formats include: <code>tif</code>, <code>png</code>, <code>gif</code>, <code>bmp</code>, <code>jpg</code> (or <code>jpeg</code>), <code>jpg2</code> (or <code>jpeg2</code>)</dd> </dl> <h3>Scaling Syntax</h3> <p>The basic format for the string is (terms in square brackets are optional):</p> <pre><code>SCALING_INFORMATION [as FORMATTING_INFORMATION] </code></pre> <p>where <code>SCALING_INFORMATION</code> has the format: </p> <pre><code>[fit] WIDTH [x HEIGHT] </code></pre> <p>with <code>WIDTH</code> and <code>HEIGHT</code> defined as whole numbers in terms of pixels. For example, "210" means "210px", but it is also possible to type "210px".</p> <p><code>FORMATTING_INFORMATION</code> has the format:</p> <pre><code>JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF [low/med/hi] [prog(ressive)] [inter(laced)] </code></pre> <p>which allows you to set the file type, quality of the image and various further options (progressive for <code>.jpg</code> files and interlaced for <code>.png</code> files).</p> <p>Examples:</p> <dl> <dt>80%</dt> <dd>Scales an image to 80% of the original image, keeping the same file format as the input image.</dd> <dt>500px x 50px</dt> <dd>Scales the image to be 500px in width by 50px in height. The format is kept the same as the original.</dd> <dt>x200 as gif</dt> <dd>Scales the image to be 200px in height, maintaining the width so as to scale the image. Saves the result as a GIF file.</dd> <dt>fit 640x480 as jpg high progressive</dt> <dd>Creates a JPEG image that will fit within a 640x480 rectangle and is of high quality with progressive enabled.</dd> <dt>50% as interlaced png</dt> <dd>Creates a PNG with dimensions half of the original.</dd> </dl> <h2>Trigger Events</h2> <p>Event Triggers can be run when images are resized or reformatted by this plug-in. For both actions, the "Event Trigger Object" will refer to the new image file(s).</p> icon CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSiPhotoPlugIn CFBundleName iPhoto Plugin CFBundleVersion FE QSPluginChanges Fixes to not launch iPhoto unexpectedly when browsing files in Quicksilver CFBundleShortVersionString 2.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-08-15 02:08:45 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson & Blacktree, Inc. categories Applications Images description Adds Albums to the catalog extendedDescription <h2>iPhoto Plugin</h2> <p>The iPhoto plugin for Quicksilver adds iPhoto's albums and events to the Quicksilver catalog. These items are also available by entering into (using → or /). iPhoto albums and events within Quicksilver contain all the pictures available within iPhoto; useful for copying or moving photos.<br /> The plugin also adds several actions for manipulating albums, and proxy objects for dealing with selected items in iPhoto.</p> <h2>Catalog</h2> <h3>iPhoto Albums</h3> <p>Adds your iPhoto albums and events to Quicksilver's catalogs. The same items are available by entering into (using → or /)</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <h3>Start Slideshow</h3> <p>Available for iPhoto albums only. (<strong>Note: Not available for iPhoto events due to a limitation by Apple</strong>)</p> <p>This action starts a slideshow for the selected album.</p> <h3>Show</h3> <p>Available for iPhoto albums only. (<strong>Note: Not available for iPhoto events due to a limitation by Apple</strong>)</p> <p>This action shows the selected album in iPhoto, and activates the application.</p> <h3>Empty iPhoto Trash</h3> <p>This action is available when is selected in Quicksilver's 1st pane. Executing the action launches iPhoto and empties the iPhoto trash.</p> <h2>Proxy Objects</h2> <h3>Current iPhoto Selection</h3> <p>Returns a list of the currently selected photos in iPhoto. If no photos are selected, then the currently active album is returned.</p> <h3>Current iPhoto Album</h3> <p>Returns the currently selected iPhoto album. Behaves in the same way as the 'Current iPhoto Selection' proxy object, except the current active album is always return, even when photos are selected.</p> icon requiresBundle CFBundleIdentifier se.stdin.quicksilver.iTerm2 CFBundleName iTerm2 Plugin CFBundleVersion 15 QSPluginChanges Compatibility updates for Quicksilver 1.2.0 CFBundleShortVersionString 1.7.2 QSModifiedDate 2014-04-20 08:04:28 +0000 QSPlugIn author Andreas Johansson categories System Applications Development description Provider for using iTerm2 with the Terminal plugin extendedDescription <h2 id="quicksilver-iterm2-plugin">Quicksilver iTerm2 plugin</h2> <p>This plugin provides functionality for having commands from the <a href="">Terminal plugin</a> work in <a href="">iTerm2</a>. It does so by registering iTerm2 as a Command line interface.</p> <p>When the iTerm2 plugin is installed, iTerm2 becomes available as a choice under Command Line Interface in the Handlers section of the Quicksilver preferences.</p> <p>In addition, this plugin provides iTerm2-specific functionality.</p> <p>This plugin contains adapted code from the <a href="">Terminal plugin</a>.</p> <h3 id="types">Types</h3> <ul> <li><strong>iTerm Session</strong> - A representation of an iTerm session. Access all sessions by right-arrowing into iTerm2.</li> </ul> <h3 id="actions">Actions</h3> <p>This plugin supplies the following actions:</p> <ul> <li><p><strong>Open New Window</strong> - Opens a new iTerm window. This action is available directly on the iTerm2 application in QS.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Run a Text Command in iTerm</strong> - Runs a text command entered in Quicksilver's text mode in iTerm.</p> <p>The action opens a new terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Run a Text Command in iTerm Tab</strong>.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Run a Text Command in iTerm Tab</strong> - Runs a text command entered in Quicksilver's text mode in iTerm.</p> <p>The action opens a new tab in the current terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Run a Text Command in iTerm</strong>.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Run a Text Command in Current iTerm</strong> - Runs a text command entered in Quicksilver's text mode in iTerm.</p> <p>The action runs the command in the frontmost tab in the frontmost iTerm window.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Run in iTerm [...]</strong> - Runs the selected shell script/binary in iTerm.</p> <p>The target either has to be an executable or a shell script with a #! declaration.</p> <p>The action opens a new terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Run in iTerm Tab [...]</strong>.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Run in iTerm Tab [...]</strong> - Runs the selected shell script/binary in iTerm.</p> <p>The target either has to be an executable or a shell script with a #! declaration.</p> <p>The action opens a new tab in the current terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Run in iTerm [...]</strong>.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Run in Current iTerm [...]</strong> - Runs the selected shell script/binary in iTerm.</p> <p>The target either has to be an executable or a shell script with a #! declaration.</p> <p>The action runs the command in the frontmost tab in the frontmost iTerm window.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Open Parent Directory in iTerm</strong> - Opens the selected directory's parent in iTerm.</p> <p>This action is only provided for targets that are neither directories nor runnables (Terminal plugin compatibility).</p> <p>The action opens a new terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Open Parent Directory in iTerm Tab</strong>.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Open Parent Directory in iTerm tab</strong> - Opens the selected directory's parent in iTerm.</p> <p>This action is only provided for targets that are neither directories nor runnables (Terminal plugin compatibility).</p> <p>The action opens a new tab in the current terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Open Parent Directory in iTerm</strong>.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Open Parent Directory in Current iTerm</strong> - Opens the selected directory's parent in iTerm.</p> <p>This action is only provided for targets that are neither directories nor runnables (Terminal plugin compatibility).</p> <p>The action opens the directory in the frontmost tab in the frontmost iTerm window.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Open Directory in iTerm</strong> - Opens the selected directory in iTerm.</p> <p>The action opens a new terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Open Directory in iTerm Tab</strong>.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Open Directory in iTerm Tab</strong> - Opens the selected directory in a new tab in iTerm.</p> <p>The action opens a new tab in the current terminal. The alternate action is <strong>Open Directory in iTerm</strong>.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Open Directory in Current iTerm</strong> - Opens the selected directory's parent in iTerm.</p> <p>The action opens the directory in the frontmost tab in the frontmost iTerm window.</p> <p>Disabled by default.</p></li> </ul> <p>When configured as the Command Line Interface for Quicksilver, this plugin also supports the following actions:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Run a Text Command in Terminal</strong> - Runs a text command entered in Quicksilver's text mode in the terminal.</li> <li><strong>Run in Terminal [...]</strong> - Runs the selected shell script/binary in the terminal.</li> <li><strong>Open Parent Directory in Terminal</strong> - Opens the selected directory's parent in the terminal.</li> <li><strong>Open Directory in Terminal</strong> - Opens the selected directory in the terminal.</li> </ul> <p>The following actions are available for iTerm sessions:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Open in New Window</strong> - Opens a new terminal window with the selected session</li> <li><strong>Open in New Tab</strong> - Opens a new tab with the selected session in the current terminal</li> </ul> icon com.googlecode.iterm2 relatedBundles com.googlecode.iterm2 QSRequirements bundles id com.googlecode.iterm2 name iTerm plugins id com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSTerminalPlugIn name Terminal Plugin CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSiTunesPlugIn CFBundleName iTunes Module CFBundleVersion 347 QSPluginChanges fixes a number of bugs CFBundleShortVersionString 2.1.6 QSModifiedDate 2012-07-17 02:07:55 +0000 QSPlugIn author Alcor, Rob McBroom categories Music Applications description Allows you to control iTunes and browse the iTunes library extendedDescription <h2 id="preferences">Preferences</h2> <h4 id="show_artwork">Show Artwork</h4> <p>With this enabled, Quicksilver will show the album cover (for albums and tracks) or the poster frame (for videos). If disabled, a generic icon will be shown instead.</p> <h4 id="group_compilations">Group Compilations</h4> <p>With this enabled, tracks from different artists will be shown under a single album (if part of a compilation).</p> <h4 id="monitor_recent_tracks">Monitor Recent Tracks</h4> <p>With this enabled, Quicksilver can store the last 25 tracks played by iTunes. It only includes tracks that have played since Quicksilver last started, and only while the preference was enabled.</p> <h4 id="display_track_notifications">Display Track Notifications</h4> <p>If <strong>Monitor Recent Tracks</strong> is enabled, you can optionally have Quicksilver display a notification every time a new track starts. The type of notification (built-in or Growl) can be controlled via Quicksilver&#8217;s various preferences related to notifications.</p> <h4 id="include_videos_when_playing_albums">Include Videos when Playing Albums</h4> <p>Some albums might have videos associated with them, but you probably don&#8217;t want them to play when listening to an album. This allows you to control that behavior. The name is a bit misleading, as it will also apply if you select an artist and play them (which will play everything by that artist).</p> <p>If your selection contains <em>only</em> videos, they will play regardless of this setting.</p> <h2 id="catalog">Catalog</h2> <p>There are three catalog presets to choose from.</p> <h3 id="itunes_playlists">iTunes Playlists</h3> <p>This will add the following to your main catalog:</p> <ul> <li>All of your playlists</li> <li>Entry points for browsing the library (Browse Artists, Browse Albums, etc.)</li> <li>A &#8220;Recent Tracks&#8221; entry. (Select it and hit → or / to see them. Only tracks that have played since Quicksilver was launched will be available.)</li> </ul> <p>These items can also be accessed by selecting iTunes in Quicksilver and hitting → or /.</p> <p>Individual tracks are not added to the catalog as they&#8217;re rarely sought out, and would really just slow Quicksilver down. Artists, Albums, Tracks, etc. can still be accessed quickly (see <strong>Browsing</strong> below).</p> <h3 id="itunes_controls">iTunes Controls</h3> <p>These are the same controls you can add triggers for (to control playback, adjust volume, and adjust rating). You can add them to the catalog in addition to (or instead of) assigning triggers to them.</p> <h3 id="scripts_itunes">Scripts (iTunes)</h3> <p>This will add any AppleScripts you have in <code>~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/</code>. (There are none by default.)</p> <h3 id="equalizer_presets">Equalizer Presets</h3> <p>This entry adds all of your equalizer settings to the catalog.</p> <h3 id="proxy_objects">Proxy Objects</h3> <p>The following proxy objects will be available. Most only work when iTunes is running, and some only when a track is playing.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Proxy Name</th> <th>Running</th> <th>Playing</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Currently Playing Track</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Currently Playing Artist</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Currently Playing Album</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Current Playlist</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Selected Playlist</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Current iTunes Selection</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Random Track</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2 id="browsing">Browsing</h2> <p>You can quickly locate and play anything in your iTunes library, even if it&#8217;s not stored in Quicksilver&#8217;s catalog. You can do this by assigning triggers to search a certain criteria (like Artist or Genre) or by selecting &#8220;Browse [Criteria]&#8221; in Quicksilver.</p> <h2 id="actions">Actions</h2> <h4 id="play">Play</h4> <p>You can play any of the following:</p> <ul> <li>Playlists</li> <li>Tracks (individually or with the comma trick)</li> <li>Albums (individually or with the comma trick)</li> <li>Artists (all tracks by the artist, individually or with the comma trick)</li> <li>Genres (all tracks in a genre, individually or with the comma trick)</li> <li>Composers (all tracks by the composer, individually or with the comma trick)</li> </ul> <h4 id="add_to_playlist">Add to Playlist…</h4> <p>Add artists, albums, tracks, etc. to an existing playlist by selecting it in the third pane.</p> <h4 id="reveal_in_itunes">Reveal in iTunes</h4> <p>Show the selected track or playlist in iTunes.</p> <h4 id="show_booklets">Show Booklet(s)</h4> <p>With album(s) or artist(s) in the first pane, you can display the PDF artwork that accompanies some albums purchased from the iTunes store. Nothing will happen for albums that don&#8217;t include artwork.</p> <h4 id="enable_disable_tracks">Enable/Disable Track(s)</h4> <p>Toggle track(s) between &#8220;checked&#8221; and &#8220;unchecked&#8221; in iTunes. You can apply this to individual tracks, multiple tracks, albums, entire artists, or even entire genres.</p> <h4 id="shuffle_on_off">Shuffle On/Off</h4> <p>Toggle the shuffle setting for the selected playlist(s).</p> <h4 id="get_lyrics">Get Lyrics</h4> <p>Get the lyrics for the selected track.</p> <h4 id="play_in_itunes_dj">Play in iTunes DJ</h4> <p>Add tracks to the beginning of the list in iTunes DJ and start playing.</p> <h4 id="play_next_in_itunes_dj">Play Next in iTunes DJ</h4> <p>Add tracks after the current track in iTunes DJ.</p> <h4 id="add_to_end_of_itunes_dj">Add to End of iTunes DJ</h4> <p>Append tracks to the beginning of the list in iTunes DJ.</p> <h4 id="set_eq_preset">Set EQ Preset</h4> <p>Make the selected equalizer preset active in iTunes.</p> <h2 id="be_aware">Be Aware</h2> <p>The most accurate information comes from iTunes itself, but that only works if iTunes is running. In order to get information without requiring iTunes to be running at all times, we read it from disk (from <code>~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml</code>).</p> <p>The information you see when browsing through your library comes from this XML file, but when you take an action like Play or Add to Playlist, the affected tracks are pulled from iTunes itself. This can lead to occasional inconsistencies in what you would see browsing in Quicksilver vs. what actually happens in iTunes.</p> icon qsversion 2E00 relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSMenuInterfacePlugin CFBundleName Menu Interface CFBundleVersion BB QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-04 09:02:24 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Interfaces description Provides a menu bar interface requiresFeature 0 webIcon CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.Quicksilver.MicrosoftOfficePlugin CFBundleName Microsoft Office Plugin CFBundleVersion 8A QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit ready</li><li>Synchronise files before attempting to get list of most recent documents</li><li>Project tidy-ups</li><li>Don't show files that do not exist</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-06-10 08:06:12 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson categories Applications description Recent documents from the Microsoft Office Suite extendedDescription <h3>Microsoft Office Plugin</h3> <p>Enables moving down (using → or /) into Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint to locate recently opened documents.<br /> Works with Microsoft Office 2008 and Microsoft Office 2011</p> icon OfficeLego relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSMiniInterfacePlugin CFBundleName Mini Interface CFBundleVersion B8 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit updates</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.4 QSModifiedDate 2012-08-11 04:08:05 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Interfaces description Provides a miniature interface icon Interface requiresFeature 0 CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.MiniBezel CFBundleName Mini-Bezel CFBundleVersion 63 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Fix a crash when changing interfaces</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.2 QSModifiedDate 2013-08-09 09:08:33 +0000 QSPlugIn categories Interfaces description A more compact version of the Bezel interface. It's smaller, and doesn't have description text under the displayed objects. icon qsversion 29CC QSRequirements obsoletes com.blacktree.Quicksilver.Mini_Bezel CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSMouseTriggerPlugIn CFBundleName Mouse Triggers CFBundleVersion 16B QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit ready</li><li>Added documentation to the plugin (press ⌘⌥? in the Plugins preferences)</li><li>Code cleanup</li><li>Disable the top of the screen as a valid mouse trigger area for the main display (where the menu bar is)</li><li>Simplified trigger settings</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-07-02 04:07:33 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson, Blacktree, Inc. categories Quicksilver description Allows triggering with hot corners and edges of the main screen extendedDescription <h2>Mouse Triggers Plugin</h2> <p>The mouse triggers plugin gives Quicksilver the ability to create triggers which are activated using mouse movements, clicks and dragging/dropping. Triggers are created in the same way as HotKey triggers, only their activation differs.</p> <h2>Creating Triggers</h2> <h3>Creating the Trigger</h3> <p>To create a trigger, open the Quicksilver <a href="qs://preferences#QSTriggersPrefPane">triggers preferences</a>, click the '+' button and select 'Mouse' from the dropdown list.<br /> Set up the command as you would when creating a normal trigger. If you would like to create a drag/drop trigger, which enables you to drop items onto the mouse trigger points, see the 'Mouse Trigger Dragged Object' proxy object section below.</p> <h3>Adjusting the Activation</h3> <p>To alter how the trigger is activated, open the trigger sidebar (by either clicking the 'i' button or pressing ⌘I) and open the 'Settings' pane. From this window, you can alter which mouse click (left, right, middle etc.) activates the trigger, how many clicks are required, and how long the associated mouse movement must be held for the trigger to activate.<br /> Below the 'Type' and 'Delay' options are options to select which screen the trigger can be activated on, and which side or corner of the screen.</p> <h3>Modifiers and the 'Anywhere' button</h3> <p>The modifiers section of the settings allow you to add modifier keys to the mouse activation method. With modifiers enabled, a further 'Anywhere' button appears in the 'Corners & Edges' screen. Clicking this allows the trigger to be activated if the correct modifiers and mouse movements are made anywhere on the screen. an example could be:</p> <ul> <li>Type: Right Click <strong>x 2</strong> (click the right mouse button twice)</li> <li>Delay: 1s (hold the last right click for 1s)</li> <li>Screen: All Displays (trigger works on all displays)</li> <li>Corners & Edges: Anywhere</li> <li>Modifiers: ⌘⌥ (hold the ⌘ and ⌥ keys down whilst right clicking with the mouse)</li> </ul> <h2>Proxy Objects</h2> <h3>Mouse Trigger Dragged Object</h3> <p>The 'Mouse Trigger Dragged Object' proxy object allows you to create triggers for items that you drag onto or drop onto the screen edges or corners. An example could be to move the dragged file into a specific folder on your hard drive. It is best to set up triggers that use the 'Mouse Trigger Dragged Object' proxy object to work with the Drag Entered, Drag Exited and Drag and Drop 'Types' in the trigger settings pane.</p> icon Mouse qsversion 3439 CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.Quicksilver.NostromoInterface CFBundleName Nostromo Interface CFBundleVersion 5 QSPluginChanges updates for 64-bit Quicksilver CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-06-12 05:06:19 +0000 QSPlugIn author Rob McBroom categories Interfaces description Provides a wide interface extendedDescription <h2 id="nostromo">Nostromo</h2> <p>This provides a wide interface, suited to displaying longer names and/or details for items in your catalog.</p> <h3 id="colors">Colors</h3> <p>The &#8220;Customize&#8221; panel in the Appearance preferences allows you to set colors from several &#8220;themes&#8221;. This interface uses and respects Quicksilver&#8217;s bezel colors (also configurable in the Appearance prefs). As such, the themes are not persistent, but the individual colors are. This allows you to use one of the built-in options as a starting point, but tweak individual colors to your liking if needed.</p> <p>To put it another way, the &#8220;Customize&#8221; panel is only used to <strong>set</strong> colors. Do not expect to see the last theme you used selected the next time you open the panel.</p> <h3 id="position">Position</h3> <p>The interface can be moved if it&#8217;s obscuring something, but the new position will not be remembered. It will be centered the next time you invoke it.</p> <h3 id="about">About</h3> <p>&#8220;Nostromo&#8221; is the name of the ship in <em>Alien</em> (1979).</p> <p><a href="">Report bugs</a> on GitHub.</p> QSRequirements version 3900 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.NotificationHub CFBundleName Notification Hub CFBundleVersion 6D QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-04 09:02:00 +0000 QSPlugIn author Kevin Ballard categories Quicksilver Miscellaneous description Provides a way to use several notifiers at once extendedDescription <h2 id="what_is_it">What is it?</h2> <p>This plugin adds a new Notify Mediator that can be used to use different Notify mediators based on the notification type</p> <h2 id="usage">Usage</h2> <p>In the Handlers preference pane, select Notification Hub as the Notify mediator. Then in the Notifiication Hub preference pane you can customize it further.</p> <p>The Default popup is what Notify Mediator to use if the given notification has no type or isn&#8217;t in the table.</p> <p>Hit the add button to add an entry to the table. The first column is the notification type. Double-click to edit to put in a custom type, or click the popup at the right side of the column to select a known type. The second column is the Notify Mediator to use for that notification type.</p> <p>You can add several entries for a given notification type - each Notify Mediator will be called for that notification.</p> infoFile Info.rtf CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSOmniWebPlugIn CFBundleName OmniWeb Plugin CFBundleVersion B4 QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>supports for OmniWeb 6</li> <li>fixes the Current Selection proxy when using OmniWeb</li> <li>drops support for older versions of OmniWeb</li> <li>internal clean-up and modernization</li> </ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 3.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2016-06-14 11:06:38 +0000 QSPlugIn author Allan Odgaard and Rob McBroom description Bookmarks, History, Search Queries, and Proxy Object. extendedDescription <h2 id="omniweb_module">OmniWeb Module</h2> <p>This plug-in allows you to add your Bookmarks, Favorites and History from OmniWeb into Quicksilver&#8217;s catalog. It also provides a proxy object and access to web searches.</p> <h3 id="proxy_object">Proxy Object</h3> <p>If proxy objects are enabled, you can access the URL of the page currently open in OmniWeb by searching for &#8220;Current Web Page&#8221;. Several browsers provide a Current Web Page proxy object, so look for the one with OmniWeb&#8217;s icon.</p> <h3 id="web_searches">Web Searches</h3> <p>Searches defined in OmniWeb&#8217;s Shortcut Preferences can be added to the catalog automatically and used from within Quicksilver. For example, if you define a shortcut with a keyword of <code>google@</code>, you can do either of the following from within Quicksilver:</p> <ol> <li>google → Search For… → [search terms]</li> <li>[search terms] → Find With… → google</li> </ol> <p>This functionality requires the Web Search Module for Quicksilver.</p> icon com.omnigroup.OmniWeb6 requiresBundle com.omnigroup.OmniWeb6 requiresFeature 0 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSOpera CFBundleName Opera Plugin CFBundleVersion A0 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit ready</li><li>Speed improvements</li><li>Improved behaviour when right arrowing into (same behaviour as Safari and Chrome plugins)</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-06-24 05:06:38 +0000 QSPlugIn author Eric Doughty-Papassideris categories Applications description Plugin for connecting Quicksilver and the Opera browser extendedDescription Plugin for connecting Quicksilver and <a href="">Opera</a>.<br> <ul> <li>Adds a catalog with the bookmarks and searches of Opera</li> <li>Adds a "Operas current web page" proxy object</li> <li>Adds an "Open with Opera" action</li> <li>Adds a couple of scripts for switching between Opera and Safari</li> <li>Browse into Opera to get current open tabs</li> </ul> icon com.operasoftware.Opera qsversion 29CC relatedBundles com.operasoftware.Opera QSRequirements CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSPathFinderPlugIn CFBundleName Path Finder Plugin CFBundleVersion B1 QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-04 09:02:28 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Files description Handles open, reveal, info, and selection actions in Path Finder icon com.cocoatech.PathFinder relatedBundles com.cocoatech.PathFinder CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSProcessManipulationPlugIn CFBundleName Process Manipulation Plugin CFBundleVersion 4F QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Allow right arrowing into Activity Monitor to show a list of running apps</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.1 QSModifiedDate 2013-08-09 09:08:28 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories System description Actions for monitoring and modifying application processes on your machine. extendedDescription <h2>Overview</h2> <p>This plugin interacts with applications and the "Running Applications &amp; Processes" catalog entries. Most actions can be run directly on an application (i.e. search for an application as usual, then tab and select an action).</p> <p>Make sure to enable the actions you want, under Preferences &gt; Actions &gt; by Plugin &gt; Process Manipulation.</p> <p>If you want to be able to control background/hidden applications, go to Catalog &gt; Applications &gt; Running Applications &amp; Processes &gt; Info ("i" button in the lower right) &gt; Source Options &gt; Check "Include background applications". Then make sure "Running Applications &amp; Processes" is selected. Now, you can search for "Running Applications Processes" in the Quicksilver command window and right-arrow to get a full list of processes.</p> <p>IMPORTANT NOTE: Some applications have a lot of helper process. For example, iTunes has an "iTunes Helper" process, and Google Chrome has a process for each tab. If you're getting unexpected results, try opening <code>Activity</code> and making sure you're not missing something.</p> <h2>A list of 'All Processes'</h2> <p>To get a list of all currently running processes easily, without enabling the "Running Applications &amp; Processes" catalog entry, you can do so by right arrowing (→ or /) into Activity</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <h3>Lauching/Terminating</h3> <dl> <dt>Force Quit (Kill)</dt> <dd>Immediately terminate the application/process (SIGQUIT).</dd> <dt>Launch a Copy</dt> <dd>Open a second copy. OSX usually only allows one copy of an application to be running, so be careful.</dd> <dt>Launch as Root</dt> <dd>Launch an application with root permissions. Again, be careful.</dd> </dl> <p>Quicksilver also has the following actions, even if you don't install this plugin:</p> <ul> <li>Open</li> <li>Relaunch</li> <li>Open at Login</li> <li>Do Not Open at Login</li> </ul> <h3>Information</h3> <dl> <dt>Sample Process</dt> <dd>Sample the process for 5 seconds and return the result in the first pane.</dd> <dt>List Open Files</dt> <dd>Search the open files of the process in the first pane.</dd> <dt>Get Process Identifier (PID)</dt> <dd>Note that if an application has helper processes, the returned PID may not always be what you want. For example, will return the PID of <code>iTunesHelper</code>, and some applications may be a light frontend with a heavy kernel (which may be the process you're actually interested in).</dd> </dl> <h3>Signals</h3> <p>The operating system can interact with a process by sending it a signal.</p> <p>See <code>man signal</code> or <a href=""></a> for a full list of signals in OSX.</p> <dl> <dt>Pause Application (SIGSTOP)</dt> <dd><code>SIGSTOP</code> is useful because it completely halts the operation of a process (without quitting it) and can be resumed later. It is similar to <code>Ctrl-Z</code> in a terminal/shell.</dd> <dt>Resume Application (SIGCONT)</dt> <dd>Resumes an application halted with <code>SIGSTOP</code>. Note that when the program resumes, the unexpected pause might cause it to have issues with timeouts, file handles, etc. However, short pauses are usually harmless.</dd> <dt>Send Signal...</dt> <dd>Specify an arbitrary signal in the third pane.</dd> </dl> <h3>Priority</h3> <p>What this plugin calls priority corresponds more to "niceness". This ranges from -20 (least nice, highest priority) to 20 (nicest, lowest priority). Nicer processes will more easily give up CPU time. See <code>man nice</code> and <code>man setpriority</code>.</p> <p>Note: You may need to enter your system password to change the priority of a process. This generally happens when you increase the priority.</p> <p>It can be useful to lower the priority of a process to make sure the operating system stays responsive. Increasing priority isn't very useful unless you have multiple programs vying for cycles.</p> <dl> <dt>Lower Priority</dt> <dd>Increase niceness (change by +5).</dd> <dt>Raise Priority</dt> <dd>Decrease niceness (change by -5).</dd> <dt>Minimize Priority</dt> <dd>Set niceness to 20.</dd> <dt>Maximize Priority</dt> <dd>Set niceness to -20.</dd> <dt>Get Priority (Niceness)</dt> <dd>Return the priority (niceness) of the application in the first pane.</dd> <dt>Set Priority...</dt> <dd>Specify a priority in the third pane.</dd> </dl> icon ExecutableBinaryIcon QSRequirements CFBundleIdentifier com.ssofts.Quicksilver.QSQRCode CFBundleName QSQRCode CFBundleVersion 72 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>64 bit ready</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-08-16 06:08:02 +0000 QSPlugIn author Eric Doughty-Papassideris categories Miscellaneous description Displays objects as QR Code extendedDescription <h3>Description</h3> Displays objects as <a href="">QR Code</a> 2D barcodes <br/><br/><h3>Credits</h3> Most of the difficult code is written by: <ul> <li>libqrencode 3.1 by FUKUCHI Kentaro (<a href=""></a>)</li> <li>Quicksilver plugin Xcode template by Ankur Kothari <a href=""></a></li> <li>UI code heavily inspired from <a href="">QuickSilvers Large Type by Alcor</a></li> <li>A tiny function copied from <a href="">Adam Maxwell - TeX Live Manager</a></li> </ul> Image conversion, cocoa &quot;ui&quot;, and blending the above resources by <a href="">Eric Doughty-Papassideris</a> <br/><br/><h3>Licence</h3> IDC v2.0 (&quot;I Dont Care&quot;) <br/><br/><h3>Disclaimer</h3> Carefull: I don't want to know about what happened (or not) because of this code. You are running it &quot;as-is&quot;, and it &quot;is not my problem&quot;. icon QSQRCode qsversion 29CC relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.binaryminded.QSRememberTheMilk CFBundleName Remember The Milk CFBundleVersion 101 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Fix launching on 10.6</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.5.3 QSModifiedDate 2013-10-04 07:10:56 +0000 QSPlugIn author Brian Moore categories Web Text description Provides an interface to quickly add Remember the Milk todo items. extendedDescription <h2>Remember The Milk Plugin</h2> <p>The Remember The Milk plugin allows you to easily add tasks to your Remember the Milk account.</p> <p><strong>Setup</strong></p> <p>Before you can add tasks, you must authenticate Quicksilver with your Remember The Milk account. Go to the <a href="qs://preferences#RTMPreferencePane">Remember the Milk preferences</a> within Quicksilver to do this.</p> <h3>Actions</h3> <p>There are two actions that are added by this plugin <strong>Create Task in…</strong> and <strong>Add Task…</strong>. Both actions perform the same thing: add a task to your RTM account, but the first takes text in Quicksilver's 1st pane and a RTM list in the 3rd pane, whilst the latter takes a RTM list in the 1st pane and text in the 3rd pane (that is - a reverse of the 1st action)</p> <h3>Catalog</h3> <p>By default, the plugin adds your RTM lists to Quicksilver's catalog. You can view the catalog Entries in Preferences → Catalog → Plugins → Remember the Milk Lists</p> icon Cow qsversion 29CC relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.skurfer.Quicksilver.RemoteHosts CFBundleName Remote Hosts Plugin CFBundleVersion 15C QSPluginChanges <ul><li>The plug-in should be recommended to new users automatically if they have <code>~/.hosts</code> or <code>~/.ssh/known_hosts</code></li><li>Performance improvements</li><li>Actions should appear for remote host groups</li><li>Internal clean-up</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.3.2 QSModifiedDate 2012-08-29 10:08:52 +0000 QSPlugIn author Rob McBroom categories Development Miscellaneous System description Provides actions that can be taken on computers extendedDescription <h2>A Quicksilver plug-in for dealing with a large number of computers</h2> <p>Given a text file with a list of machines in it (either hostname, Fully Qualified Domain Name, or IP address), this plug-in indexes them as "remote host" objects and provides the following actions:</p> <ul> <li>SSH</li> <li>SSH as root</li> <li>SSH as… [username in 3rd pane]</li> <li>Telnet</li> <li>Telnet to port… [port number in 3rd pane]</li> <li>FTP</li> <li>HTTP</li> <li>HTTPS</li> <li>Screen Sharing (VNC)</li> <li>Browse with CIFS</li> <li>Mount share with CIFS… [share name in 3rd pane]</li> <li>Browse with AFP</li> <li>Mount share with AFP… [share name in 3rd pane]</li> <li>MS Remote Desktop [requires the CoRD application]</li> <li>Get Host Info</li> </ul> <p>There is also a "Use as Remote Host" action that applies to text. If you type a hostname by hand, paste it, or pull it from an application using ⌘⎋ or ⌘G, this action will "convert" it to a remote host in Quicksilver so you can connect to it, etc.</p> <p>Some of the above actions also provide "alternate" actions. Hit ⌘↩ instead of ↩ to run the alternate.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Action</th> <th>Alternate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>SSH</td> <td>SSH as root</td> </tr> <tr> <td>FTP</td> <td>Get FTP URL</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HTTP</td> <td>Get HTTP URL</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HTTPS</td> <td>Get HTTPS URL</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>The "Get XYZ URL" actions are useful in situations where you need to paste the URL to a remote machine, or want to open it in something other than the default application.</p> <p>Selecting a host in Quicksilver and hitting → or / will provide the following information (if available):</p> <ul> <li> <p>IP Addresses and aliases</p> <p>Quicksilver treats these as strings, so you can use "Large Type", paste them into the current application, send them via IM or e-mail, etc.</p> </li> <li> <p>Lights-Out Management</p> <p>The LOM address is itself another "remote host" in Quicksilver. With it selected, you can use one of the above actions to connect to it.</p> </li> <li> <p>Host Info URL</p> <p>If you've defined a URL in the preferences that provides info for hosts, it will appear here.</p> </li> </ul> <p>The plug-in will scan <code>~/.hosts</code> for a list of machines by default. (You can use any file. See below.) The file is treated as UTF-8. It should contain one host per line. The hostname or FQDN should be the first thing on each line, but other metadata is allowed (separated by a single space). A port can also be specified. An example might look like this:</p> <pre><code> server2 ostype:linux ostype:linux lom: label:test ostype:macosx ostype:windows somehost ostype:solaris webhost1 groups:Web webhost2 groups:Web </code></pre> <p>You may already have a file like this for completion in your shell. If you have existing metadata in this file, it shouldn't break anything, but it won't necessarily be useful in Quicksilver.</p> <p>The plug-in scans for items on each host's line that look like this: <code>key:value</code>. All such data will be stored along with the host in Quicksilver's catalog, but there are currently only a few that will affect its behavior.</p> <ul> <li><code>ostype</code>: OS type should be a short, generic word, like "solaris", "linux", "windows", etc. Currently, the only real distinction is between "windows" and everything else. Windows hosts get a different default icon and certain actions don't appear. Default icons for additional OS types may be added in the future.</li> <li><code>icon</code>: You can specify an icon to use for a host if you don't like its default. This can be a bundle identifier, like "", the name of an icon in the CoreTypes bundle like "", or the path to an icon or image file. The usual types of images are supported, but they will most likely get squished into a square (depending on which Quicksilver interface you use).</li> <li><code>lom</code>: The Lights-Out Management address will only apply to fancy, rack-mounted servers that provide some sort of network-based LOM. If you don't know what this means, you probably don't need to worry about it. The information itself should be an IP address, hostname, or FQDN for the system's LOM interface.</li> <li><code>label</code>: By default, all hosts in your catalog will be labeled with their hostname, FQDN, or IP address (as it appears in your file). Setting a label in the file will append to the default, not replace it. Quicksilver searches the text in the label as you type to search for things. If you have many hosts with similar names, they can be hard to get to quickly. Using this item to append to the label can be useful to group or "tag" systems for faster searching.</li> <li><code>groups</code>: A comma separated list of groups you want the host to belong to. Names can't contain spaces at this time. More information on using groups can be found under Tips.</li> </ul> <p>You can optionally pull hosts from <code>~/.ssh/known_hosts</code>. There is a preset (disabled by default) under "Remote Hosts" in the Plugins section of the Catalog. If you want to get hosts from an arbitrary file, add a new custom catalog entry and choose "Remote Hosts" from the drop-down, then choose the file for the new entry.</p> <h3>Preferences</h3> <ul> <li> <p>Host Info URL</p> <p>If you have a web-based front end for an inventory or monitoring tool that can provide information about individual hosts, you can define the URL here. Put <code>***</code> in the URL where you want the hostname to appear. For example, if http://info.domain.tld/summary/webhost1 provides information for <code>webhost1</code>, you could define the URL as http://info.domain.tld/summary/***.</p> <p>If this is left blank, the Get Host Info action will not be available.</p> </li> <li> <p>Use hostname in URL</p> <p>If you have hosts in your catalog using their Fully Qualified Domain Name, but the info URL expects the hostname, enable this preference to remove the domain.</p> </li> </ul> <h3>Tips</h3> <p>After installation, you may want to check the precedence of the actions and make sure they're to your liking. The actions only apply to "remote hosts" in the catalog, so moving them up rather high on the list shouldn't interfere with other tasks. You may also want to disable some of the ones you never think you'll use.</p> <p>For more than a few machines, you should use a script to generate a <code>.hosts</code> file from DNS, LDAP, a database, or some other authoritative source if possible, rather than managing it by hand. You might also schedule a job to update the file on a regular basis.</p> <p>For hosts you want to frequently connect to at the same time, you can assign them to one or more groups in the scanned file. Any groups you define will be added to the catalog. You can search for them by name, or by name plus "Remote Host Group". You can use the SSH and Telnet actions to connect to all hosts in the group. Hitting → or / will reveal the group's members.</p> <p>If you find yourself using "SSH as…" frequently, you may want to add something like this to your <code>~/.ssh/config</code>:</p> <pre><code>Host server.domain User someuser </code></pre> <p>See the <code>ssh_config(5)</code> man page for details.</p> <p>For <strong>iTerm</strong> users, the SSH and Telnet actions are intentionally not specific to Terminal. They simply send an address to the OS to be opened. Configure your system to open <code>ssh://</code> and <code>telnet://</code> locations using iTerm if you want to use that instead of Terminal.</p> <p>Finally, don't forget the "comma trick". You can select multiple hosts using the comma or ⌘A, then connect to them all at once.</p> icon relatedPaths ~/.hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSSafariPlugIn CFBundleName Safari Plugin CFBundleVersion 137 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>fixes the Run JavaScript action</li><li>prevents an exception when Safari has an empty tab/window</li><li>internal improvements</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.1.5 QSModifiedDate 2012-10-11 12:10:42 +0000 QSPlugIn author Alcor, Rob McBroom categories Web Applications description Access to information from the Safari browser extendedDescription <h2>Catalog</h2> <p>The Safari plug-in allows you to index your Safari bookmarks and history. You can locate these items by searching in Quicksilver, or by selecting Safari and hitting → or /.</p> <p>It also provides access to all currently open pages. Select "Open Web Pages" in the first pane and hit → or /.</p> <h3>Proxy Objects</h3> <p>There are two proxy objects: Current Web Page and Current Website</p> <p>Current Web Page gives you quick access to the URL of the active window/tab in Safari.</p> <p>Current Website adds a new Web Search to your catalog that allows you to search (using Google) the entire site currently active in Safari.</p> <h2>Actions</h2> <h4>Add to Reading List</h4> <p>With a URL selected in Quicksilver's first pane, you can quickly add it to Safari's Reading List.</p> icon relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSScreenCapturePlugIn CFBundleName Screen Capture Plugin CFBundleVersion 24 QSPluginChanges <ul> <li>run triggers on the captured image</li> <li>file names mimic Apple's format</li> <li>file names are specific to the type of capture</li> <li>no longer shows a useless item if a capture is cancelled</li> </ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.6.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-06-14 10:06:49 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Images System description A set of actions that allow capturing the screen extendedDescription <h2>Screen Capture Plugin</h2> <p>This plugin adds support for using to capture portions of your display to image files, which can then be manipulated by Quicksilver. In order to see the objects added by the Screen Capture Plugin (they are visible in Quicksilver's first pane), you must enable the "Internal Commands" catalog entry, found in the <a href="qs://preferences#QSCatalogPrefPane">Catalog Preferences</a> under the "Quicksilver" side tab.<br> </p> <p>Note that all pictures captured with the Screen Capture Plugin are also saved to your Desktop.</p> <h3>Command Objects</h3> <p><strong> Capture Region </strong></p> <p>This command object (run from Quicksilver's 1st pane) enables in its "Capture Selection" mode. A cross hair is displayed on screen allowing you to drag a rectangle around what you want captured. Once complete the captured region is returned to Quicksilver.</p> <p><strong> Capture Window </strong></p> <p>Similar to the 'Capture Region' command object, 'Capture Window' gives you allows you to capture a whole window, and return the corresponding image to Quicksilver</p> <p><strong> Capture Screen </strong></p> <p>The 'Capture Screen' command object takes a screenshot of your current screen and returns it to Quicksilver.</p> <h3>Trigger Events</h3> <p>Event Triggers can be run whenever an image is captured using this plug-in. The "Event Trigger Object" will refer to the image's file.</p> icon qsversion 3525 relatedBundles CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSServicesMenuPlugIn CFBundleName Services Menu Module CFBundleVersion D7 CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.1 QSModifiedDate 2012-04-09 06:04:21 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories System description Converts entries from the Services menu into actions icon Menu requiresFeature 1 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSShelfPlugIn CFBundleName Shelf Module CFBundleVersion 75 CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.2 QSModifiedDate 2012-04-19 06:04:18 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Quicksilver description Provides a shelf for temporary storage icon Catalog qsversion 2A5F CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.ShortcutsPluginPlugin CFBundleName Shortcuts Plugin CFBundleVersion 2 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>New plugin to manage shortcuts from within Quicksilver</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.1 QSModifiedDate 2023-09-11 02:09:41 +0000 QSPlugIn author Patrick Robertson categories TBD description Launch and control your Shortcuts within Quicksilver extendedDescription <h1>ShortcutsPlugin</h1> <h2>Launch and control your Shortcuts within Quicksilver</h2> <p>Documentation for ShortcutsPlugin</p> icon /System/Applications/ CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.Showcase CFBundleName Showcase CFBundleVersion 8E QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Add Showcase to official plugin list</li></ul> QSModifiedDate 2015-03-22 05:03:36 +0000 QSPlugIn author Julius Eckert categories Interfaces description extendedDescription icon qsversion 29CC relatedBundles QSRequirements version 3779 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSTerminalPlugIn CFBundleName Terminal Plugin CFBundleVersion 140 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Speed improvements (move to Scripting Bridge)</li><li>Fix a memory leak</li><li>Better management of multiple arguments in shebang lines</li><li>Better action selection based on script UTIs</li><li>New hidden preference to open tabs instead of windows when performing Terminal actions</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.3.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-02-11 02:02:37 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories System Appications Development description Allows running of shell scripts in Quicksilver or the Terminal extendedDescription <h2>Terminal Plugin for Quicksilver</h2> <p>The Terminal plugin allows Quicksilver to interact with the OS X Terminal; run commands and shell scripts, open directories in Terminal and more.</p> <h3>Actions</h3> <p><strong> Run […]</strong></p> <p>This action takes any script in Quicksilver's first pane (.sh, .pl, .command, .php, .py, .rb) and runs it in a Shell. An indirect argument is optional, meaning you can run any script with an argument by inputting text in Quicksilver's third pane. This differs from the 'Run in Terminal […]' action in that it runs the script in a Shell, without opening a new Terminal window.</p> <p><strong>Run in Terminal […]</strong></p> <p>The Run in Terminal […] action can be used on script files (for example, php, pl, sh, py files) to run these files as scripts in a new Terminal window. The action supports an optional extra argument, entered in Quicksilver's 3rd pane. This differs from the 'run […]' action in that it opens a Terminal window, as opposed to running the script in a Shell.</p> <p><strong>Run Command in Shell</strong></p> <p>Runs the item in Quicksilver's first pane in a shell, without launching Terminal. The item in Quicksilver's first pane should be a string (entered in Text Mode) of your desired command. If the command returns an item (for example, <code>ls</code> returns a list of files and folders) they are returned to Quicksilver as text.</p> <p><strong>Run a Text Command in Terminal</strong></p> <p>Similar to the 'Run Command in Shell' action, but opens a new Terminal window and runs the command in the new window.</p> <p><strong>Open Directory in Terminal, Open Parent Directory in Terminal</strong></p> <p>These two actions open the folder or file selected in Quicksilver's first pane in Terminal. The name of the action depends on whether a folder or file is selected in Quicksilver's first pane.</p> <p><strong>Show Man Page</strong></p> <p>The 'Show Man Page' action can be run on any executable file (typically found in <code>/usr/bin</code> or <code>/usr/local/bin</code>). It opens a new window with the 'man' page for the selected executable.</p> <h3>Catalog Preset</h3> <p><strong>Bash Command History</strong></p> <p>This <a href="qs://preferences#QSCatalogPrefPane">Catalog</a> Preset, found under 'Plugins &gt; Bash Command History' adds your bash history to the Quicksilver catalog (more accurately, it adds the contents of <code>~/.bash_history</code> to your catalog).</p> icon relatedPaths ~/.ssh ~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc ~/.viminfo ~/bin ~/.sh_history CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSTextManipulationPlugIn CFBundleName Text Manipulation Actions CFBundleVersion 7E QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Add support for appending/prepending text to markdown files</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-09-04 02:09:17 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. & Patrick Robertson categories Text description Actions for manipulating text lines in files extendedDescription <h3>Overview</h3> <p>This plugin gives Quicksilver the ability to edit text files by appending text lines to the end of a file, prepending text or changing or deleting lines within a file. The plugin allows manipulation of .txt, .rtf, .rtfd, .doc and .TEXT files.<br /> Note that Quicksilver has the ability to enter into text files (using → or /) and list the contents of the file, which can be used in conjunction with this plugin for increased flexibility.</p> <h3>Actions</h3> <h4>Append Text... and Append To...</h4> <p>Append some text to the selected text file. You can append text to a text file, or to a line within a text file (if you have entered a text file with → or /). This action is reversible. You can:</p> <ul> <li>[Some File] ⇥ Append Text... ⇥ [Some Text]</li> <li>[Some Text] ⇥ Append To... ⇥ [Some File]</li> </ul> <p>You should note that both these actions can use Quicksilver's 'smart' ability to place any item, object or file inside a text file. If you append an image to a text file, the path of the image is added, or similarly for web addresses (URLs). When entering a text file (→ or /), these lines are automatically resolved by Quicksilver into the original file, URL etc.<br /> This gives you a convenient way to store any file or piece of information within a text file, using nothing but Quicksilver.</p> <h4>Prepend Text... and Prepend To...</h4> <p>This action works in a similar manner to the 'Append' actions, but puts a line of text at the start of the file. The action is also reversible.</p> <h4>Change To...</h4> <p>The Change to... action is available for lines within a text file. To view lines, press → or / to enter into a text file. It allows for the modification of a specific line within a file.</p> <h4>Delete Line</h4> <p>As with the Change To... action, the Delete Line action is available for lines within a text file. It can be used to remove certain lines from within a given file.</p> icon ClippingText relatedBundles com.macromates.textmate com.barebones.bbedit CFBundleIdentifier com.qsapp.Quicksilver.TextStartRanker CFBundleName TextStart Ranker CFBundleVersion 25 QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 2.2.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-15 09:02:24 +0000 QSPlugIn author Allan Odgaard, Florian Heckl description Ranking which prefers word boundaries.<br><br>So when you enter "ab" as a search string then "Address" gets a higher score then "Abrasive.jpg".<br><br>You can change the default ranker in the Handlers preferences. icon defaultIcon QSRequirements obsoletes com.macromates.quicksilver.duff_string_ranker version 3774 CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSTransmitModule CFBundleName Transmit 4 Plugin CFBundleVersion 100 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Fix scanning Favourites for Transmit 4</li><li>Make 'Mount as Disk' an alternate action to 'Connect'</li><li>Don't open multiple empty windows when connecting to a favourite</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 4.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2013-10-29 10:10:02 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories Files Applications description Favorites Access & Uploading extendedDescription <h2>Transmit Plugin</h2> <p>The Transmit Plugin allows you to interact with your Transmit favorites, upload files to them, and open and mount FTP/SFTP etc. URLs in Transmit</p> <h3>Catalog</h3> <p>The Transmit Plugin adds a 'Transmit Favorites' catalog entry to the Quicksilver, which can be seen in the 'Plugins' section of the <a href="qs://preferences#QSCatalogPrefPane">Catalog preferences</a>. Enabling this entry means you can search for your Transmit favourites in Quicksilver's 1st pane.</p> <p>You can also get a full list of your Transmit Favorites by finding '' in Quicksilver's 1st pane, and pressing the right arrow key <code>→</code> (or the forward slash key <code>/</code>).</p> <h3>Actions</h3> <p><strong>Connect</strong></p> <p>This action opens an FTP URL or a Transmit Favorite in Transmit. Supported URL schemes are <code>ftp://</code>, <code>sftp://</code> and <code>ftps://</code></p> <p><strong>Mount as Disk</strong></p> <p>The 'Mount as Disk' action uses TransmitDisk to mount the specified transmit Favorites as a mounted disk on your Desktop. This action is only valid for Transmit Favorite objects</p> <p><strong>Upload to Site… and Upload File…</strong></p> <p>These actions upload single or multiple files to a given Transmit Favorite. The 'Upload to Site…' action takes a list of files (using Quicksilver's comma trick) in Quicksilver's 1st pane and requires a Transmit Favorite in Quicksilver's 3rd pane. The 'Upload File…' action is a reverse of this, requiring a Transmit Favorite in the 1st pane and a list of files in the 3rd pane.</p> icon com.panic.Transmit relatedBundles com.panic.Transmit CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSUIAccessPlugIn CFBundleName User Interface Plugin CFBundleVersion 206 QSPluginChanges <ul><li>Fix a crash when using the 'Show Windows' action</li></ul> CFBundleShortVersionString 2.1.1 QSModifiedDate 2013-08-18 11:08:35 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. categories System description Access the menus and windows of running applications. extendedDescription <h2>User Interface Plugin</h2> <p>This plugin adds running applications (processes), application windows, and application menu items to Quicksilver's catalog.<br /> <br /> Access for assistive devices must be enabled in Universal Access pane of System Preferences to use this plugin.</p> <h3>Processes</h3> <p>Processes represent applications which are currently running on your Mac. Any application in Quicksilver's catalog can be used as a process if that app is running. The following actions are available for processes:</p> <ul> <li><b>Show Menu Items</b> – Generates and displays a searchable list of the app's menu items.</li> <li><b>Show Windows</b> – Generates and displays a list of the app's windows, searchable by window title.</li> <li><b>Focused Window</b> – Fetches and displays the app's focused window – this is usually the most recently used window, and the window which would get keyboard input if you started typing.</li> <li><b>Current Document</b> – Fetches and displays the file which corresponds with the document open in the app's focused window.</li></ul> <p>Selecting these objects in the second pane causes the third pane to display the results:</p> <ul> <li><b>Windows…</b> – Generates a list of the app's windows, searchable by window title. Pressing return on one of these windows is equivalent to using the Activate action on it.</li> <li><b>Menu Bar Items…</b> – Generates a searchable list of the app's menu items. Pressing return on one of these menu items is equivalent to using the Press action on it.</li></ul> <h3>Windows</h3> <p>Windows can also have several actions performed on them:</p> <ul> <li><b>Activate</b> – Focuses the window, then makes all windows belonging to the app appear in front of all other windows.</li> <li><b>Raise</b> – Makes the window appear in front of all other windows, without changing which app is focused.</li> <li><b>Close</b> – The same as pressing the red Close button in the window's title bar.</li> <li><b>Minimize Window</b> – The same as pressing the amber Minimize button in the window's title bar.</li> <li><b>Zoom</b> – The same as pressing the green Zoom button in the window's title bar.</li></ul> <h3>Menu Items</h3> <p>Menu Items only have one action available: <b>Press</b>. This has the same effect as clicking the menu item.</p> <h3>Triggers</h3> <p>When this plugin is installed, the following triggers are available in the UI Access section of the Triggers preference pane:</p> <ul> <li><b>Show All Menus</b> – Generates and displays a searchable list of the menu items of all running apps, grouped by app.</li> <li><b>Show All Windows</b> – Generates and displays a list of the windows of all running apps, searchable by window title and app name.</li> <li><b>Current Application</b> – Fetches the current app, places it in the first pane of the command window, and selects the second pane of the command window.</li> <li><b>Current Focused Window</b> – Fetches the current app's focused window, places it in the first pane of the command window, and selects the second pane of the command window.</li> <li><b>Current Document</b> – Fetches the document open in the current app's focused window, places it in the first pane of the command window, and selects the second pane of the command window.</li> </ul> <h3>Proxy Objects</h3> <p>When this plugin is installed, the following proxy objects are available in the Proxy Objects source in the Quicksilver section of the Catalog preference pane:</p> <ul> <li><b>Current Focused Window</b> – Represents the current app's focused window. The current app is whichever app currently has it's name in the menu bar. The focused window is usually the most recently used window, and the window which would get keyboard input if you started typing.</li> <li><b>Current Document</b> – Represents the file which corresponds with the document open in the current app's focused window.</li> </ul> icon UniversalAccessPref QSRequirements feature 1 version 1337 CFBundleIdentifier com.skurfer.Quicksilver.QSViscosity CFBundleName Viscosity Plugin CFBundleVersion 72 QSPluginChanges updated for 64-bit CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-11-05 10:11:01 +0000 QSPlugIn author Rob McBroom categories Applications System description Access VPN connections in Viscosity extendedDescription <h2>Viscosity plug-in for Quicksilver</h2> <p>The VPN connections you've defined in Viscosity get added to the catalog. You can either search for them directly or right arrow into the Viscosity application.</p> <p>There are two actions available for a Viscosity connection:</p> <ul> <li>Connect to VPN</li> <li>Disconnect from VPN</li> </ul> <p>There are also two actions available if you select the Viscosity application in the first pane:</p> <ul> <li>Connect All VPNs</li> <li>Disconnect All VPNs</li> </ul> <p>When you first install the plug-in, these actions will be higher in priority than "Open", which is normally the default for applications. If that's not what you want, move them down the list in your Quicksilver preferences.</p> <p>The plug-in tries to be smart about which actions to display. For instance, you won't see "Disconnect from VPN" unless that connection is currently active.</p> <p>NOTE: If Viscosity isn't running, any of the "Connect…" actions will start it. This is generally what you want, but be aware that if you've configured certain VPNs to connect on launch, they will be connected regardless of what you are trying to do via Quicksilver.</p> icon com.viscosityvpn.Viscosity relatedBundles com.viscosityvpn.Viscosity QSRequirements bundles id com.viscosityvpn.Viscosity name Viscosity CFBundleIdentifier com.brnbw.WhiteBezel CFBundleName White Bezel Interface CFBundleVersion 4 QSPluginChanges adds ARM64 support CFBundleShortVersionString 1.1.0 QSModifiedDate 2022-02-04 10:02:40 +0000 QSPlugIn author BRNBW / Mikkel Malmberg categories Interfaces description A whiter version of the classic Bezel Interface CFBundleIdentifier com.blacktree.Quicksilver.QSWindowInterfacePlugIn CFBundleName Window Interface CFBundleVersion AC QSPluginChanges 64 bit ready CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0.0 QSModifiedDate 2012-06-28 10:06:31 +0000 QSPlugIn author Blacktree, Inc. description Provides a simple window interface requiresFeature 0 webIcon